Blog post image 2022 Update


A new photo check-in feature has been developed for the GetHomeSafe Android and iOS apps. Users can use their mobile device's camera to take photos as a form of checking in. All photos taken by users are available for supervisors to view from the web portal, this includes after the activity has been completed or cancelled. Optional notes can also be added to each photo taken.  

Checking in with a photo is a great way for users to communicate with their supervisor's things they want them to see or be aware of. 

Benefits can include: 

  • reporting potential hazards
  • proof of visiting a location
  • sharing important documents
  • tracking important assets
  • sharing a nice work environment
GHS Beamer 2022 Photo check in

GetHomeSafe's developers have ensured that photos uploaded to the server are compressed but still retain a high quality. This saves users from unnecessarily depleting their mobile data. 

Photo check-ins are an opt-in feature. If you would like to utilise this feature, please contact  for further information on pricing and implementation.