Over the upcoming months, we will review a GetHomeSafe feature and examine how it can provide an additional level of safety for your staff, regardless of where their job may take them.

Risk Assessments are a list of questions pre-configured by your administrator and are assigned to potentially high risk activity types. If enabled, staff will be prompted to answer a series of questions when they start their activity through the GetHomeSafe app.

Once a Risk Assessment has been completed, answers will be available for team leaders, administrators and call centre users to view in the web portal. Answers can provide critical information and influence how your alert responders action a follow up when an alert is triggered.

For an extra layer of safety you can add risk points to your Risk Assessment questionnaire. When staff answer each risk assessment question they will accumulate risk points.

The total number of risk points will place users within a risk level category. Categories include restrictions aimed to prevent potential risks. The available restrictions include:

  • Unrestricted
  • Warning
  • Approval Required
  • Restricted

Top tip!

If you enable risk points and a user encounters warning, approval required or restricted risk levels you can pre-customise a message that will explain to the user about the restriction they have triggered and a message to help manage the risk.

The Risk Assessment feature is included in the GetHomeSafe Safety and Compliance plan. For more information on this feature or if you would like assistance configuring Risk Assessments for your account, feel free to book a session with our Customer Success team here or click the link below to start your 30-day free trial!

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