The Grand South Business Awards
14 November 2022

GetHomeSafe is delighted to be selected as finalists for two categories at The Grand Business South Awards 2022. We have been selected as finalists for ‘Excellence in Technology’ and also ‘Innovation’. GetHomeSafe is honoured to be selected, and would like to take this opportunity to thank our staff, community and everyone involved with GetHomeSafe for making this happen.
The Grand Business South Awards are held every two years by Business South to recognise and celebrate achievements in different categories of business. There are three sections celebrated. There are sector excellence awards, business practice awards and special awards. Each section includes multiple different categories for businesses to enter or be nominated for. Businesses are allowed to enter one sector excellence award categories, and two business practice award categories. GetHomeSafe has been selected for the excellence award ‘Excellence in Technology’, and also a business practice award under the category of ‘Innovation’.

The high profile awards have been celebrated every two years, for over 24 years! The Business South region covers everywhere from the Waitaki River all the way down to Stewart Island. Business South has been supporting the region since 1881, by providing support, advice and expertise to help businesses within the region.

The Grand South Business Awards will be celebrated on Friday, November 18th at the Dunedin Town Hall. This event is a glittering black tie dinner gala, where GetHomeSafe will have a table. GetHomeSafe is honoured to have been selected as finalists, and we wish the best of luck to all other businesses in attendance.